14 Phrases That Are Holding You Back From Moving Forward
Most people are unaware of how language affects behavior, and our words tie us to the past in ways that affect the present and determine the course of the future. Words and phrases we use in our everyday lives are so powerful that they expose far more than ideas; they expose our basic assumptions. Deep down, releasing these expressions can aid in the ability to start afresh and let go of what has been holding you back.
“If Only”

When you use the phrase “If only,” you usually dwell on what might have happened but did not happen, so it keeps you in the past. This phrase may indicate that you think a different decision could have been made, so you refuse to accept things how they are. Instead, attempt to direct thoughts to the morals from lessons learned and build a superior course of action from them.
“I Should Have”

Using “I should have “elevates guilt, putting too much blame on yourself and intensifying the feeling of regret. When you are ruminating about what you could have done, you always fixate on something you did wrong rather than moving forward to make the right decisions in the future. It’s better to say, “Next time, I will go for something else.” Such a statement puts the individual in a preventive mental setting.
“Back In My Day”

When people use the phrase “Back in my day,” they easily bask in a prosperous past, resulting in an inability to embrace the present. It is usual that such a thinking pattern negates current opportunities and prevails an image of what used to be good and ideal. Accepting the present with curiosity and open-mindedness is beneficial, so you must adapt positively to change instead of being negative about it.
“I Wish Things Were Like They Used To Be”

People want their situations to return to how they were; it reflects a tendency not to be ready to accept change even though change is a constant part of life. This phrase connects you with having something to do all the time, which is now impossible; thus, it keeps you away from exploring what is new. It is better to seek happiness and call it a purpose to focus on what is possible today, not dwelling on the past.
“That’s Just The Way I Am”

When you say, “It’s just who I am,” you are providing yourself with a license to stay as you are, which is unprofitable in growth. This phrase, more often than not, serves as a barrier to personal development; you will be stuck on the same level as challenges and opportunities progress. It becomes a possibility to grow beyond what may define you, which is always a possibility, instead of being stuck in a box of what you previously believed about yourself.
“I’ve Always Done It This Way”

Stating the obvious that you have been doing something in a certain way can restrict you from trying new ways and, hence, slow your growth. This phrase suggests that you dismiss any change, even if it means the latest thing could improve your life or develop new ideas. Accepting new solutions prevents you from being locked into specific outcomes by your current thinking and methodology and experiencing different, potentially better, outcomes.
“I’ll Never Get Over This”

When you tell yourself, “I’ll never get over this,” you remain stuck in a cycle of complaining and hurt and do not allow yourself to recover. This phrase seems to create a mental block that can prevent you from forgetting the past, even when needed for your own good. Despite this, stress the issues of time and attempts as more productive strategies for overcoming hardships as they make you much stronger.
“Why Didn’t I?”

The type of thinking that involves saying to oneself things like “Why didn’t I…?” is counterproductive and leads to forming patterns that remain unproductive due to wasted time thinking the negative way. This question always disorients you and prevents your progress through several experiences. Through self-acceptance, one should accept and say, “I did the best I could with what I knew then,” when developing peace with your past decisions.
“Things Used To Be So Much Better”

Using accustomed expressions like saying,” You know life back then was much better than it is today,” is a sure way of living a dissatisfied life full of resentments. This phrase gives the illusion of the past that can interfere with perceiving some positive aspects of life at present. Practicing gratitude can enable you to focus on what you have and what you can do in the future.
“It’s Too Late For Me”

Thinking it’s “too late” to make a change or try something new can really hold you back. Life is always full of new opportunities, no matter how old you are or what your situation is. It’s never truly too late to start fresh and begin something new. Embrace the idea that growth and change are always possible and that you have the power to start over whenever you’re ready.
“I’ve Failed Too Many Times”

When you say, “I’ve failed too many times,” you’re holding on to past mistakes instead of learning from them. Failure is not the end; it is a chance to learn what doesn’t work and try a different approach. Instead of letting failures stop you, see them as chances to grow and improve. Every time you fail, you get one step closer to finding success.
“I’ve Missed My Chance”

Holding on to the belief that it has passed means that you think there is only one shot and opportunities only come once, which is usually untrue. This phrase keeps you looking at what you have missed, closing you out of what might be even better chances. You might want to start thinking positively by telling yourself that opportunities are out there and I am prepared for them.
“I Don’t Deserve Better”

Claiming, “I don’t deserve more,” is a sign of low self-esteem and the attitude that allows you to settle for mediocrity. This belief keeps you from doing things that can improve your life and becomes a never-ending cycle of stagnation. Practice self-compassion and convince yourself that searching for change, happiness, and opportunities is okay.
“I Can’t Change Who I Am”

Whenever you mention you can’t change who you are, you cannot transform yourself for the better. This phrase represents a fixed mindset because it can allow someone to believe they are set in certain behaviors or habits. Instead, tell yourself that personal development is a lifelong process; everything is possible if one is ready and willing to struggle.
Shifting from these types of statements can help one eliminate a mental status too entrenched in the past and embrace a future full of possibilities. When these phrases are transformed into optimistic, progressive terms, you can change your outlook from what can and cannot be done in the present and future. Untieing oneself from the past does not happen overnight, but using positive language helps one to appreciate the present and future.
More For You

Good friends can help you move forward when you feel stuck. They cheer you on, remind you of your strengths, and help you believe in yourself. Having supportive friends can also reduce stress, make you happier, and even help you live a longer, healthier life.
This article was first published at Rbitaliablog.