12 Shocking Beauty Routines Used by Celebrities

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Beyond the glitz and glamour of celebrity life lies a fascinating world of beauty rituals that defy convention and leave us intrigued. Behind the scenes, our favorite stars use astonishing practices to maintain their iconic looks. From ancient remedies to cutting-edge treatments, these 12 shocking beauty routines glimpse the lengths some celebrities go to for perfection. Join us as we peel back the curtain on the surprising, sometimes bizarre, beauty regimens that keep our beloved stars radiant amidst the spotlight’s glare.

Beer and Honey Conditioner

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Using beer as a hair conditioner might sound unusual, but its benefits have been recognized for centuries. Beer contains proteins and B vitamins that help repair damaged hair and add shine. Celebrities like Catherine Zeta-Jones reportedly use beer and honey to keep their locks glossy and firm. By pouring beer onto clean, damp hair, massaging it in, and then rinsing thoroughly, the hair can look healthier and more vibrant.

Egg, Honey, and Olive Oil Mask

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This homemade mask is a natural powerhouse for skin rejuvenation. Eggs provide protein to nourish the skin, honey is a humectant to lock in moisture, and olive oil soothes the skin. Celebrities like Emma Stone use this mask to achieve a radiant complexion. Mixing these ingredients into a paste, applying it to the face, and leaving it on for 15-20 minutes can leave the skin feeling refreshed and glowing.

Load Up on SPF

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Sunscreen is a MUST in any skincare routine, and celebrities like Jennifer Aniston swear by it for maintaining youthful skin. Incorporating a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher into your daily skincare regimen can help shield your skin from damage and maintain its health and vitality.

Cranberry Juice Rinse

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Cranberry juice is not just for drinking—it can also work wonders for the hair. Its acidity helps remove buildup and residue from the scalp, making the hair clean and shiny. Stars like Gwyneth Paltrow reportedly use cranberry juice rinses to maintain healthy hair. After shampooing, diluting cranberry juice with water as a final rinse can help clarify the hair and scalp, promoting overall hair health.

Sweet Exfoliation

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Sugar scrubs offer a gentle yet effective way to exfoliate the skin, helping with a smoother, more radiant complexion. Celebrities like Kim Kardashian are said to indulge in sugar scrubs to keep their skin glowing. The sugar granules help remove dead skin cells, while its humectant properties lock in moisture. Mixing sugar with olive or coconut oil and gently massaging it onto damp skin can leave you with baby-soft skin and a healthy glow.

DIY Milk Spray

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Milk’s lactic acid gently exfoliates the skin and improves its tone and texture. Several celebrities reportedly use milk sprays to hydrate and refresh their skin. Mixing equal milk and water in a spray bottle and spritzing it onto the face can provide refreshing hydration and leave the skin feeling soft and supple.

Ice Bath

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Bella Hadid and Kourtney Kardashian incorporate ice baths into their beauty routines. Ice baths are believed to help reduce skin puffiness and inflammation, resulting in a more youthful appearance. The cold temperature can also stimulate circulation, promoting a healthy glow and even skin tone. Additionally, ice baths tighten pores, leading to smoother skin texture.

Not Skipping on Water and Sleep

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Adequate hydration and quality sleep are essential components of a healthy lifestyle and have enormous benefits for physical and mental well-being. Many celebrities prioritize staying hydrated and getting enough sleep to maintain their radiant appearance and overall health. Proper hydration helps flush toxins, maintain skin elasticity, and promote a youthful complexion. At the same time, adequate sleep allows the body to repair and regenerate cells, improving skin health and a rested appearance.

De-stress as Often As Possible

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Stress can damage mental and physical health, contributing to issues ranging from premature aging to increased risk of chronic diseases. Many celebrities advocate regular stress-relief practices such as meditation, yoga, and mindfulness to combat stress and promote well-being. Incorporating stress-relief techniques into daily life helps reduce cortisol levels, improve mood, and enhance resilience against the effects of stress, leading to a happier, healthier lifestyle.

DIY Salt Spray – Hair Waves

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Salt sprays are prized for creating effortless, beachy waves without needing heat styling. The salt in the spray adds volume and texture to the hair, while the water helps to create natural-looking waves. Lively’s affinity for this simple yet effective hair styling hack highlights its versatility and ability to create effortless, chic hairstyles with minimal effort.

Korean High-Quality Skin Products

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Korean and medical-grade skincare products are celebrated for their innovative formulations and high-quality ingredients that target specific skin concerns. Korean skincare emphasizes a multi-step approach with products tailored to individual skin needs, while medical-grade products often contain potent ingredients backed by scientific research.

Taking Care of the Entire Body, Not Only the Face and Neck

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While facial skincare often takes center stage, extending skincare routines to the rest of the body for overall skin health is essential. Regular exfoliation, moisturization, and sun protection help prevent dryness, aging, and uneven skin tone, ensuring a radiant and confident appearance.

More For You

Photo Credit: www.rbitaliablog.com

Beauty routines are personalized rituals that blend skincare essentials with mindful practices to empower individuals to radiate confidence from within.

This post was first published on RB ITALIA Blog.

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