14 Early Signs Your Relationship Is Failing And How To Repair It

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There comes a time in every relationship when you wonder if it’s worth it. Most people won’t realize their relationship is nearing its end until it’s too late, so here are some subtle signs of a relationship that’s dying soon and you need to mend it:

Blaming each other for problems

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Couples who blame each other for everything going wrong can’t stay together longer. Constantly blaming each other instead of working things out and taking your problems out on each other only means a lack of respect and love. Instead, accept, apologize, and move on.

Not seeing a future together

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If the thought of spending the rest of your life with your partner fills you with dread, it means you’re deeply unsatisfied with the relationship. This means you don’t align with their habits, actions, and behaviors and know you’re ready to move on. And it’s okay to be honest about it instead of keeping your partner in the dark.

Trying to change each other

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People sometimes fall in love with the idea of their perfect partner and try to change their current partner into this unrealistic version. Wanting to change someone typically implies that you don’t like them the way they are, so they won’t encourage love. Loving your partner for who they are and accepting their differences is the way to go.

Arguing and shouting

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Things won’t last long if you can’t even disagree without shouting about it. Getting caught up in emotions and taking out your anger on your partner by insulting them or purposely hurting them will only push them further away. Even if you want to disagree, do it respectfully without hurting each other’s feelings.

Not compromising

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Relationships require flexibility. You can’t bend over backward for someone who won’t even return the favor when you need it. Couples who can’t compromise small things for each other will only become more incompatible. Learning to compromise can strengthen relationships if it’s from both sides.

When you can’t talk openly

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Relationships require open communication. Hesitating to discuss minor things because you fear your partner’s reactions means they aren’t providing you with the safe space required in most healthy relationships. Practice active listening and show empathy towards each other’s perspectives.

Lack of trust

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Couples who stop trusting each other hardly last because they question each other’s actions every step of the way. This creates gaps in communication and understanding, affecting the relationship. Clear communication, without hiding anything, will help build trust.


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Some people in relationships twist the truth or continuously change the story to fit their version. Such manipulators lie about the simplest things, gaslight their partners, and constantly create toxic situations in their relationships.

One-sided effort

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Relationships, where one partner is mentally, emotionally, or physically more invested than the other, won’t work out because one person always expects more while the other feels burnt out. It also creates unrealistic expectations. It takes two to make an effort to build a successful relationship.

There is jealousy

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Couples who grow together stay together. Nothing is more rewarding than having a partner who celebrates your achievements, big or small. If your partner starts to get insecure or jealous of your success, that should make you raise eyebrows and reflect on your relationship.

No intimacy

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Lack of intimacy could mean many things, but it’s also one of the reasons behind a failing relationship. If the intimacy is non-existent, it means your relationship is coming to an end and needs revamping.

You cannot fix it

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There comes a point in a relationship when you realize that it cannot be fixed no matter how hard you try. You have to admit that it’s time to accept all those red flags and let them go for your own good.

Keeping Secrets

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Hiding things from each other can cause distrust, leading to a failed relationship. Sharing your thoughts with your significant other can lead to a deeper understanding and strengthen the bond between partners.


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Infidelity is one of the major causes of a failing relationship. Cheating can deeply hurt the affected partner and also the relationship. To address this issue, it’s important to acknowledge it first, and both partners should be willing to navigate through it and do what’s in their best interest.

More For You

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Managing life after a breakup. Implement these practical tips to avoid falling apart and moving on positively after an ugly breakup.

This article was first published at Rbitaliablog.

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