17 Red Flags That Indicate You Might Be Experiencing Parental Burnout

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Have you ever heard of ‘parental burnout?’ As the name suggests, this term refers to a feeling of intense emotional, physical, and emotional exhaustion connected to your role as a parent. We all know that raising kids is highly stressful, but while feeling overwhelmed occasionally is normal, there are a few signs you should watch out for as they may indicate a more serious condition. Here are 17 signs telling you you are on the verge of parental burnout.

Note: The content of this article does not reflect the writer’s personal beliefs

Constant Irritability

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Do you tend to get irritated by the tiniest things? Maybe your partner forgot to close the window as you asked him, or the music in the background in your local café suddenly seems so loud! Constant irritability is one of the many signs suggesting you may be on the verge of burnout.

Emotional Detachment 

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People affected by parental burnout tend to feel emotionally detached from their kids. This can be defined as the inability to connect with your kids emotionally and express your feelings toward them. Emotional detachment can be due to parental burnout, as well as other issues such as work-related stress, mental health issues, and past traumas. 

Feeling of Inadequacy

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Another common symptom is feeling inadequate for your role as a parent. For instance, you may feel ashamed of your parental skills or think that they have drastically worsened in the last weeks or months. When this happens, it is essential to embrace kindness and try your best to be less hypercritical towards yourself. 

Sleep Deprivation

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Sleep deprivation, simply described as the inability to get the rest you need, is common when people experience parental burnout. Unfortunately, this causes a vicious cycle: a chain of events reinforcing itself through a feedback loop. The less you sleep, the worse you feel, the more intense your signs of parental burnout get. 

Suicidal Thoughts 

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Unfortunately, suicidal thoughts are another common sign of parental burnout. These may be caused by a general feeling of being trapped in a life you no longer identify with or enjoy coupled with your sense of inadequacy for your role as a parent. When suicidal thoughts start to emerge, it is fundamental to seek experts’ help. 

Constant Conflicts With Your Spouse 

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Take a moment to think about your relationship with your spouse or partner. Do you tend to fight more frequently lately? Are you often angry at each other for no reason? Do you tend to do fewer activities together to keep the spark alive? Unfortunately, parental burnout affects not only your relationship with your kids but also the one with your spouse. 

Feeling Overwhelmed 

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Let’s mention it again: Being a parent is tough! Extremely tough. Especially in the first months after birth, it is almost impossible to get enough sleep, and every second of your life seems to be devoted to the well-being of your newborn. In this scenario, it is easy to understand why so many parents feel overwhelmed. However, these emotions can persist once your kids grow up, in which case it may be a sign of parental burnout. 


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When you’re feeling burnt out as a parent, forgetfulness can sneak up on you. Suddenly, you might be missing appointments, misplacing things, or forgetting simple tasks that used to be no big deal. It’s more than just being forgetful—it’s your brain’s way of telling you it’s overloaded and needs a rest.


All the negative symptoms on this list are often related to addiction. For instance, if a parent has a past as an addict of some substance, from marijuana to alcohol, this may reemerge or worsen during parental burnout. Again, on these occasions, seeking the help of experts is fundamental.


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People suffering from parental burnout often feel a strong sense of physical and emotional exhaustion. You may wake up after a long night of sleep, still feeling incredibly tired and having no energy to start your day. This can be extremely overwhelming and affect your entire day.


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Did you recently lose interest in hobbies that you once enjoyed? Do you lack motivation to do anything at all? These are all signs of parental burnout, which may be caused by your intense exhaustion and emotional detachment.


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After reading about all the negative symptoms associated with parental burnout, it is easy to understand why people suffering from it also experience high levels of stress. From the feeling of inadequacy to the constant exhaustion and lack of proper sleep, plenty of factors may now be fueling your stress. 

Reduced Compassion

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Have you noticed you have less compassion for others lately? For instance, you may have difficulty forgiving your kids for their tantrums or may still be angry at your partner for something he did weeks ago. Reduced compassion may directly result from your emotional detachment from your kids and other people in your life. 

Feeling Isolated

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At times, parental burnout can cause you to isolate yourself from friends, relatives, and even your own family. This may be due to several factors, such as a general feeling of inadequacy, intense exhaustion, or emotional apathy towards others.

Lack of Self-Care

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Parental burnout can also result in a lack of personal care. For instance, you may stop eating healthy and nutritious food or lead an extremely sedentary life even though you used to practice sports and outdoor activities. When this happens, it’s important to remember that self-care is never selfish.

Neglecting Personal Needs

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Some people on the verge of parental burnout may neglect some fundamental needs. For instance, a busy mother may avoid dinner to end all her house chores. A father may sleep only a few hours daily to end all his tasks. If you can relate, remember that you can only properly care for others if you take care of yourself first.

Lack of Motivation

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When even the thought of getting out of bed feels like climbing a mountain, and you just can’t find the energy to face the day, you’re probably dealing with burnout. It’s that heavy feeling where everything seems too much, and your usual drive just isn’t there. It’s your body’s way of telling you that you’ve hit your limit, and it’s time to pause, breathe, and take care of yourself before you can move forward again.

More For You

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If you recognize yourself in many of these signs and are wondering whether you may be experiencing parental burnout, make sure to seek support. Prioritizing self-care may be a first step to improving your situation. 

This article was first published on the RB ITALIA Blog.

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