17 Ways Your Boss Is Turning Your Job into a Nightmare
A toxic workplace can have a huge impact on your mental and physical health, making it hard to feel happy or succeed at work. Having a toxic boss only makes things worse, as they often create more stress and difficulties. The problem is that many toxic bosses act kind and caring at first, so new employees can’t always tell what the work environment will be like. Here are some behaviors to watch for that could show your boss is toxic.
Every leader observes their team, but constantly breathing over one’s shoulder and redirecting their working processes is toxic. Micromanagers have a strong need for control and cannot stand when they aren’t involved in every single detail.
Toxic bosses will refute their claims and deny their actions. Such bosses will gaslight employees when faced with scrutiny. They will manipulate facts and events to make others believe a fabricated perception.
Overly uptight
A good boss might be strict, but one who is constantly rigid and creates an environment where employees can’t catch a break is toxic. Such bosses only care about their reputation, so they’ll rain down on employees instead.
Emphasis on seniority
People in management who ignore the contributions of younger or newer employees, toot their horns, and keep demeaning others because of their position in the workplace hierarchy contribute to a toxic environment.
It’s natural to appreciate a commendable employee, but purposely redirecting promising opportunities and giving preferential treatment to that employee contributes to a hostile workplace where others feel underappreciated.
Inability to be wrong
Some people in management refuse to admit their mistakes and will double down because they fear being humiliated. Such people have inflated egos and will do anything but apologize for their actions.
Lack compassion
Getting along with a boss who doesn’t let employees take time off for personal emergencies and tragedies or dismiss their concerns will never be easy. Such bosses lack sympathy and compassion and will intimidate employees to assert dominance.
Blame game
A toxic boss will blame you for his wrongdoings. Such toxic employers will play office politics to ensure they don’t have to rectify their mistakes. People who demonstrate such behavior will refuse to advocate for their employees when needed.
Gender discrimination
Too many people in power utilize their position in management to refuse opportunities to employees belonging to a specific gender. Such employers might blame their culture or age for such antics but will refuse to improve.
Emphasize work
You’re dealing with a toxic boss if you’re constantly being encouraged to work overtime or on the weekends. Such bosses will also refute employees’ work-from-home opportunities or deny leave applications.
Emotional dysregulation
Someone who takes out their anger on employees because they had a bad day at home will fail to navigate a healthy workplace. Such toxic bosses will blow up in their employees’ faces and struggle to delegate tasks.
An employer who doesn’t follow company policies but expects the employees to do so is toxic. Such employers will check in late, fail to follow deadlines and commit the same actions they would scold their employees for.
Lack of recognition
They fail to acknowledge or reward your hard work and possibly take credit for your ideas or efforts. They do it purposely to demean you and always try to lower your morale, so you give in and are recognized as a failure.
Unrealistic demands
Your boss is toxic if he sets unachievable deadlines or expectations that he knows are hard to meet. They do it intentionally to set you up for failure and then use that failure as a basis for criticism, affecting your overall review and performance.
A toxic boss might feel insecure when you receive attention from others in the workplace. This jealousy can undermine your achievements and limit your recognition in the company, resulting in no professional growth.
Inadequate Compensation
A toxic boss doesn’t value your work and underpays you. When your hard work isn’t matched with fair compensation, it can lead to frustration and resentment. This lack of financial recognition not only affects your wallet but also your motivation and overall job satisfaction.
Promoting A Toxic Culture
When a boss promotes a toxic work culture, where negative behaviors are just part of the daily routine, it makes the whole workplace miserable. This kind of environment drives people to quit and kills any sense of team spirit or motivation. A positive culture and environment can lead to better productivity and results compared to toxicity.
This article was first published at Rbitaliablog.